Just released JWildfire V0.27.
Changes where again only made to fractal flames generator T.I.N.A. This time there are some minor bug fixes and some small but fine new features:
- Fractal flame editor: store/load flames from/to clipboard
- Fractal flame editor: “fine” triangle moving/rotating/scaling mode (e. g. for editing gnarls ;-))
- Fractal flame editor: automatically activate “triangle mode” when the user clicks or moves a triangle in the preview window
- Fractal flame editor: load all flames in a flam3-file (instead only the 1st) and append them to the thumbnail ribbon
- Fractal flame editor: saving/loading shading attributes in flam3 files
- Fractal flame editor: new “gnarl” style for the random flame generator)
As usual click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂