Just released MB3D 1.99.28 as update to MB3D and BTracer2.
This version comes with another update to the new mesh generator (BTracer2):
- mesh-reduction now supports both vertex-colors and uv-coordinates and is enabled by default (in BTracer2x64)
- some bug-fixes
See the file CHANGES.txt for a list of changes.
When using BTracer2: please do read the official documentation, it will probably answer most of your questions.
Update-suggestion: just manually copy/overwrite the following files to your existing installation:
- BTracer2.pdf
- BTracer2x64.exe
- BulbTracer2r28.jpg
- Mandelbulb3D.exe
- README_1.99sr28.txt
When you have further questions, feel free to contact me at thargor6@googlemail.com.