Just released JWildfire V3.31 – again with MUCH help of our contributors Rick Sidwell, Jesus Sosa and Brad Stefanov. Thank you, guys!
Complete list of changes (you can also see this list inside the program at the any time, see Help->List of changes ):
- new variations:
- apollony (Jesus Sosa)
- chrysanthemum (Jesus Sosa)
- dc_dmodulus (Jesus Sosa, Rick Sidwell, and Brad Stefanov)
- dc_gnarly (Rick Sidwell, and Brad Stefanov)
- dustpoint (Jesus Sosa)
- iconattractor (Jesus Sosa)
- knots3D_js (Jesus Sosa)
- macmillan_js (Jesus Sosa)
- recurrenceplot_js (Jesus Sosa)
- seashell3D (Jesus Sosa)
- sattractor3d (Jesus Sosa)
- threepoint (Jesus Sosa)
- prepost_circlize (Rick Sidwell)
- prepost_affine (Rick Sidwell)
- prepost_mobius (Rick Sidwell)
- Prepost variations are executed both before the other variations (along with other pre_ variations) and after the other variations (along with other post_ variations). One of the two will be an inverse function, calling invtransform instead of transform. Prepost variations are identified with priority 2 (calls invtransform for pre and transform for post) or -2 (calls transform for pre and invtransform for post).—
- updated variations:
- hamid_js – added more variables
- jubiq – made it respect other 3D objects instead of making it flat
- siercarpet_js – added preserveZ
- parplot2d_wf – added a solid variable by default no new changes. Set to 0 they react more like traditional flames
- pre_stabilize – Added a direct color option to pre_stabilize for coloring glitch flames
- general changes/fixes:
- changed the default filter to the same that is used by Flamelet which creates nice sharp images,changed the default filter to the same that is used by Flamelet which creates nice sharp images, if you do not like it, you may change it in the Preferences
- fixed the problem with the Mac-version, which could not be installed on many Macs in previous versions (because the new APFS was used due to a bug in the build tool)
- optimed some default settings in order to allow faster editing
- Make random gradients without fade colors use the right number of colors.
- Bug fixes and enhancements to parameter list
- 1. Pre button for variation 11 didn’t work
- 2. Slider for params with dynamic parameter expansion didn’t work
- 3. Added tool tip with full name when parameter name is truncated
- Fix bugs with duplicate transform
- 1. Final transforms now duplicate as final transforms
- 2. Normal transforms now duplicate From Xaos as well as To Xaos
- Fix UGR gradient loading for gradients saved by Ultra Fractal
- 1. Newer version of Ultra Fractal don’t use numnodes, so the number of colors it contains is used to determine whether interpolation is needed instead.
- 2. The UGR parameter “smooth=yes” indicates that the curves used to fade the gradient are smoothed, not that the gradient isn’t faded. The setColorsSmooth function was changed to reflect this.
- Make the “Add linked transform” button copy xaos
- Fixed bug with dynamic parameter expansion
- Stereo3d bug fixes
- Made labels reflect the current edit plane
- Specifically, when the edit plane is changed, the affine labels (X1, X2, Y1, Y2) and the labels on the triangles (or rectangles) now change to match the new edit plane. This will make it easier to identify just what the modified values will affect.
- Bug fix:gradient reset button breaks range editing
- Made random gradient generator use variable widths for the colors
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂 Happy Easter!