Just released JWildfire V1.40.
And once again, this new version comes with some striking new features 🙂
First, there is now comprehensive support for stereo3d-rendering. Common types like “Anaglyphs” and “Side_by_Side”-renderings are supported, and the whole system is built flexible and extensible. You can also design your fractals in 3D in realtime (if you wear glasses), and there are even separated modes for rendering and editing!
Second, scripts in the movie-editor were revisited and slightly enhanced, and there can be now 5 of each category (which can be superimposed). Additionally, the movie editor can now just generate flames (which can then be rendered using the batch-renderer)
And, this new version comes with the first version of the brand-new IzPack (http://izpack.org/)-based Installer 🙂
Complete list of changes:
- comprehensive support for stereo3d-rendering with many options and major improvements/refactoring of the rendering-engine “under the hood”
- the software comes now with an IzPack-based (http://izpack.org/) installer which should work on all platforms
- as Java version 8 will come out soon, the minimum requirements of JWildfire were increased to Java 7, i.e. it is optimized for Java 7 or higher
- changed the camera handling: in 3d-flames there is now a real 3d camera, in 2d flames there is a 2d-camera. (In previous releases there was a “mixed” mode of 2D camera roll and 3D pith and yaw, as introduced by the famous “3d hack” invented by Zueuk)
- added post-symmetry-support for the script-from-flame-generator
- made the “layer-append-mode”-indicator smaller and aligned it to the bottom-right-corner
- renamed the “JWFMovie Maker” into “Easy Movie Maker”
- new output type FLAMES in Easy movie maker (for just generating flames)
- removed the ROTATE_PITCH_YAW script from the movie maker
- now there are 5 global and 5 xform scripts in the movie maker which can be combined
- new transform-scripts ROTATE_FINAL_XFORM and ROTATE_FINAL_XFORM_NEG for the Easy Movie Maker
- change the aspect-ration of the preview when changing the resolution in the Easy Movie Maker
- new “onion2” and “line” variations by chronologicaldot
- iteration-limit for “truchet”-variation (could otherwise take “endless” time under certain conditions)
- fixed a bug regarding the sample-count-calculation when using post-symmetry
- removed the JWildfireC sub project (will be replaced by some OpenCL-based stuff later)
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂