Just released JWildfire V1.30.
Again, it is a striking release, introducing new stuff for having endless fun 🙂
At first, there are now “post-symmetries”. A post symmetry is something like a “final transform after a final transform”. But unlike to a ordinary final transform it can clone samples and modify those clones, making it very efficient to create fractals with certain symmetry. For example, for a mirror-like-symmetry it creates for any input sample one mirrored clone. (You also could achieve this by designing the fractal to have this symmetry, but using the post-symmetries makes it much more intuitive and faster to render.)
Second, there are now “random-symmetry-generators”. Those are a parallel concept to random flame generators and can be used in combination. I.E. random-symmetry-generators apply to random-fractal a randomly-chosen-symmetry.
And, of course, you can turn any of your previously designed flames into flames with symmetry, with ease 🙂
Complete list of changes:
- new concept of “post-symmetries”
- new concept of “random-symmetry-generators”
- some initial random-symmetry-generators:
- “XAxis”
- “YAxis” (not only differing in the axis)
- “Point”
- “All (sparse)” (applies symmetry only at a certain probability, this is the default)
- re-implemented parts of the blur-shading, works different now, but also works in the interactive renderer
- new “extrude”-variation by Xyrus02
- many internal refactoring/optimization/simplifying of the renderer
- fixed a bug in the gradient editor
- fixed a bug regarding the saving/restoring of a render
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂