Just released JWildfire V1.21. As many of you know, I’m already working on JWildfire 2.0, this release is the first in the series to start the evolution. So, maybe not each change may make immediately sense for you, but I hope it will make sense if you see “the final picture”. But because some interface changes are necessary, I believe its a good strategy to introduce them slowly one-after-one, better than to release everything with a “big-bang”. Of course, any feedback is welcome 🙂
Complete list of changes:
- new “cross”-random-flame-generator
- rearranged the sub-tabs on the gradient-tab resulting in little more vertical space for the gradient-library
- rearranged all shading-options into one main tab, renamed the main shading-tab into “Special shading”
- increased the default size of the triangles in the editor
- moved the Quicksave-button beneath the Save-button
- some minor changes to the UI on the affine-tab
- several performance optimizations, refactoring
- store/restore transparency-setting with render-state
- fixed a small bug regarding DoF-distance
- improved the “Subflame”-random-flame-generator
- many internal changes regarding to the upcoming JWildfire 2.0
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂