Just released JWildfire V0.72.
This version is more a maintenance-release, but has at least one really nice new feature: the ability to create mutations of a certain flame from within the editor by just clicking a button, so watch out for the new “Rnd”-button 🙂 It uses the same technology as the MutaGen-module and is able to create some more complex mutations.
Complete list of changes:
- Easy possibility to randomize flames from within the editor. The algorithm used tries to ensure that both a really different and flame and an “interesting” one is generated. Subsequent uses of this features always use the original flame rather than the mutation, otherwise there would be too much “chaos”
- new variations “circleblur”, “post_depth”, “post_smartcrop”, “sineblur”, “starblur” by Zyorg
- new “juliaq”, “julia3Dq”, “post_juliaq” and “post_julia3Dq” variations by Zueuk
- “juliac”-variation by David Young (Sc0t0ma)
- removed the “svg_wf” variation from variations used by certain random flame generators (causing a faster start of the software)
- reduced the default quality setting of the “svg_wf” variation
- FIXED: an invalid path setting in the Preferences could cause the program failing to start
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂