Just released JWildfire V0.38.
Major changes where made to the main program regarding the processing of HDR (High Dynamic Range) images:
- HDR image loader (which at least allows loading of HDR images generated by the T.I.N.A. fractal flame generator)
- new type of input buffer: HDR image
- enlarged image preview in the select file dialog, image preview also for HDR images
- simple HDR tonemapper (used for the previewing)
- new HDRCompose transformer
- Bump3D transformer: support for HDR images as height map
The following changes where made to the fractal flames generator T.I.N.A.:
- additional output of an intensity map in HDR render mode
- new waves3_wf and waves4_wf variations for more interesting gnarl styles
- glynnSim1, glynnSim2 and glynnSim3 variations by eralex
- prefs for random batch size and background color
- new Bubbles3D and Experimental Bubbles3D random flame generator
- new Flowers3D Experimental Flowers3D random flame generator
As usual click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂