JWildfire 6.10 is now available at Steam, the Mac App Store and the offical JWildfire site.
The major new feature are “Quick mutations”. They are located at the new “Quick mutations”-tab and allow the easy creation of small batches of variations (or mutations) of the currently selected flame. You may load any of those mutations into the main editor by double-clicking at it. This creates a new flame in a new slot and does not alter the original flame in any way. This may sound not very spectacular, but gives a new type of very creative workflow. With just a single click, you get 5 (per default) variations of your currently selected flame very quickly. You may specify what do you want to modify or just let the program decide. And of course, you can modify the modified versions and so on.The number of 5 can be changed on the fly, you can also create 500 mutations quickly if you want.
Have fun and a Merry Christmas 🙂