Just released JWildfire V2.50. Big thanks to Gregg Helt and boleslaw for their contributions!
This version comes with three major new features:
- Support for Chaotica as additional rendering-solution for the high-end-user by using the JWildfire-Chaotica-Bridge.
Please see the official documentation at http://wiki.jwildfire.org/index.php?title=Manual_ChaoticaIntegration for details.See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9T7JCTeewg for an example-video.
- Support for the Leap Motion Controller for animating flame-fractals.
Please see the official documentation at http://wiki.jwildfire.org/index.php?title=Manual_LeapMotionIntegration for details.See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNd1Je7Z-Kk for an example-video.
- Enhanced the scripting interface to enable persistent script-properties and rich user-interfaces for scripts
Complete list of changes:
- support for Chaotica as additional rendering-solution for the high-end-user, please see the official documentation at http://wiki.jwildfire.org/index.php?title=Manual_ChaoticaIntegration for details
- support for the Leap Motion Controller for animating flame-fractals, please see the official documentation at http://wiki.jwildfire.org/index.php?title=Manual_LeapMotionIntegration for details
- new random-flame-generators:
- “Tile Ball”-, inspired by the 3D Tile Ball Script made by Shortgreenpigg
- “Julians”-random-flame-generator, based on a script created by Steven Brodhead
- new variations/plugins :
- “custom_wf_full” by Gregg Helt to allow to generate and test complete Variations at runtime
- “w” by Michael Faber
- “y” by Michael Faber
- “x” by Michael Faber
- “z” by Michael Faber
- “trade” by Michael Faber
- “wdisc” by Michael Faber
- “deltaA” by Michael Faber
- “idisc” by Michael Faber
- “CircleTrans1” by eralex
- “CircleRand” by eralex
- “CircleLinear” by eralex
- “blur_pixelize” by Xyrus02
- “blur_circle” by Xyrus02
- “rhodonea” by Gregg Helt
- “butterfly_fay” by Gregg Helt
- “flower_db” by Darkbeam and Gregg Helt
- “rosoni” by Darkbeam and Gregg Helt
- “stwin” transcribed by Gregg Helt
- additions the Motion-Curves-Editor:
- smoothing-function
- import/export of raw motion-data
- new editing-mode for motion-curves (drag curve horizontal/vertical), some changes in the UI of the motion-curve-editor, smoothing for motion-curves
- additions to the Scripting-interface:
- API for managing persistent settings for scripts, see ScriptRunnerEnvironment::getScriptProperty, examples to come
- API for generating rich user-interfaces for scripts, examples to come
- changed the default antialiasing-settings in order to create images with more details
- inherit the settings of “Duration” and “Morph”-count in the Easy Movie Maker from the previous movie part
- new “Ziggurat”-random-generator, added by boleslaw, which is the new default
- new FPS-setting for flames, with customizable default-value in the Prefs
- renamed the main-menu-item “Script” into “Operators Script” to avoid confusions with flame-scripts
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂