Just released JWildfire V2.40. Beneath many small additions there are two major new features:
- there is … finally … yes! … an official documentation! It is hold in a wiki ( http://wiki.jwildfire.org ) and continously evolving. There is not only conventional documentatiuon, but also tutorials. For the release there a 4 tutorials for beginners and one advanced tutorial.
- the possibilty to create animated brushes for use inside a painting programm for “painting with fractals”. Currently, the native format of the painting software PD Howler is directly supported, for use in other software the generation of image-sequence is supported.
Complete list of changes:
- now with offical documentation-Wiki! See the “Documentation”-button at the Welcome-window or just visit it directly: http://wiki.jwildfire.org
- 4 new beginners tutorials in the Wiki (Basic flame-editing, Basic color-editing, Basic formula-editing, More on formula-editing)
- ability to create animated brushes (to be used in a painting-program) from within the Easy Movie Maker. Currently the ANB-format from the super-cool painting-software PD Howler ( http://www.thebest3d.com/howler/ )is supported.
- added the possibility to have different types of output in the Easy-Movie-Maker, there are currently three choices:
- FLAMES (create flames)
- PNG_IMAGES (create flames and render them as PNG-images)
- ANB (animbrush in PD Howler’s format)
Maybe I will add direct video-encoding as additional option, currently looking for a component who can do this job…
- advanced tutorial for creating animbrushes in the Wiki (not only for PD Howler)
- the action performed at a double-click in the main-flame-editor can now be changed in the prefs. There are the following choices:
- RENDER_FLAME: render the current flame, this was the default behaviour until now
- ACTIVATE_TRIANGLE_EDIT: activate “triangle”-editing
- SWITCH_TRIANGLE_CAM_EDIT: switch between triangle- and camera editing (this is the new default)
- NONE: do nothing at all
- the default fade-to-white-level for flames was increased from 200 to 220 to create more smooth defaults. You can change this in the prefs by modifying the value the property tinaDefaultFadeToWhiteLevel
- new “cpow3”-variation by Gregg Helt
- new “post_heat”-variation by zephyrtronium, transcribed by chronologicaldot
- added an instancing-option the the IFlames-editor, does not wortk for all flames, but when it works, much less ressources are needed
- removed the FAQ-section from the software
- FIXED: some fixes the startup scripts on Mac by Gregg Helt
- FIXED: a bug regarding the hiding of samples (affected only “crop”-like-variations)
- FIXED: after cancelling the Batch-renderer the cancelled image was saved, though (and was in the most cases a blank image)
- FIXED: a problem regarding saving render-state of iflames
- FIXED: a problem regarding projecting invalid points (which sometimes appeared at points with random color at coordinate (0,0)), thanks to chronologicaldot for the reminder!
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂