Just released JWildfire V2.00 ALPHA 1 which comes with some really nice additions I wanted to publish before having completed the whole thing:
Complete list of changes so far:
- created a fix to avoid the default “overexposing” of many flames, i.e. most renders should look darker by default, but should look more smooth
- created a new “Bokeh”-subtab on the “DOF”-tab. Here you can adjust different options to create awesome “bokeh”-like effects
- tried to make the Interactive Renderer behave more “smooth”
- added two new parameters to “fract_*”-variations: “z_fill” to fill the vertical gaps in 3d-mode, “z_logscale” to use log-scale in z-direction (nice for creating 3D-meshes)
- fixed an unwanted “dot” in the “primitives_wf”-variation, when drawing a pyramid-shape
- new experimental “xheart_blur”-variation (which bases on “xheart” by Xyrus02)
- fixed dark background in the help-section
Note: please do not use the new “Channel Mixers”-tab yet 😉
Enjoy! 🙂