Just released JWildfire V1.70 which is another major update. It comes both with many new exciting variations and some real innovations, again! 🙂
I have enhanced the Flame Fractal Algorithm by local modifiations of gamma, contrast and saturation on a transform-basis. Those new sliders work similiar to the color values (“color” and “color-speed”), but they control changes in applied color values, rather than specifying color values themselfs.
This makes it much more easy to create flame fractals with more depth, without the need of endless fiddling with the gradient 🙂
Of course, having 6 new sliders at each transform may be much overwhelming. To make it easier to get used to this new controls there are fucntions to randomize/rest the local color-changing settings, both on a transform and fractal-basis. Additionally, there is a new mutation-type “Local gamma” for the MutaGen-module to play around (does modify all values, not only gamma, but was a crisp name :-)).
Complete list of changes:
- new tab for local modification of gamma, contrast and saturation on a transform-basis. Those work similiar to the color values (“color” and “color-speed”), but they control changes in applied color values, rather than specifying color values themselfs. This is a true new addition to the Flame Fractal Algorithm itself, and makes it much more easy to create flame fractals with more depth, without the need of endless fiddling with the gradient 🙂
- new buttoms for randomization and reset of local color effects
- new mutation-type “Local gamma” allowing local-gamma-modifications in the MutaGen-module
- new “oscilloscope2”, “scrambly” and “scry2”-variations by dark-beam
- new “circlize2”, “squarize” and “squish” – variations by Michael Faber
- new “splits3D”-variation by TyrantWave
- new “sphere_nja”-variation by Nic Anderson
- new “tancos”, “rippled”, “funnel”, “roundspher”, “spiralwing”, “rays1”, “rays2” and “rays3”, “ennepers”, “petal” and “squirrel”-variations by Raykoid666
- improved “cross”-random-flame-generator, also uses the new “rays”-variations
- made the “custom_wf”-variation more robust against compile/syntax errors
Just click the “Random flames” button to start playing around and have fun 🙂